
of "volume A" will be carried into the Lagoon with the flooding

eurrent. This will be true, particularly, if the test occurs
during a period of large tidal ranges.

Because of the westerly

set to the currents in the jagoon along the TARE-UNCLE (EininmanEnirikku) boundary, much of this contaminated water will be moved
westward and will not be avallable to be carried out to sea on the
subsequent ebbdtide.

After the first eight hours approximately

65% of the initial “volume 4" will be within the Lagoon.


LOS of this remaining segment of "volume A” will be discharged
from the Lagoon at Rukoji channel, the remaining 395 cf the original
"volume A" being carried stowly northwéstuerd and thea eastward by
the subsurface current.

Subsequent movements would parallel those

deseribed above for the ease of a snot time close tc the time of
high tide.

This Giscussion has teen concerned with the movement of the
very hignly contaminated volume which initially would occur within

&@ one mile radius of point zero.

4A much larger sree in the south-

eontral section of the 1s;;oon will be hishly contaminated.


of the location of the siot the initial flushing rates associated
with the removal of this contamination from the Lagoon. Will be mach

higher than indicated ty the renewal times for the lagoon, provided
the ENE trade winds prevail.

Assuming the moderate Eli trade winds occur during and for some
weeks after the test, it is estimated that 20% of the initial contamineted waters in tho legoon will be flushed from the Jagoon in

the first 24 hours.


Durinn the next full day 20% of the remaining



Select target paragraph3