
new channel between the open sea and the Lagcon.

Tidal currents, upon which will be acded a net outfloy fron
the vinddrift within the Lagoon, will occur in the new channel,
Flood velocities of approximetely 0.3 knots, and ebb velocities

of about 0.6 knot will result.

During periods of large tidal

ranges (0-6 ft.) these ourrent velocities may be expected to about
dcuble in magnitude.

The influsnce of the tidal currents should

be felt for a Alstance cf about 3OCO yards inside the Lageon.

Within this distance the predominant westerly current, which flove
parallel to the reefs along TARE and

cut by ficod end eth of the tide.

UNCLE, will be bowed Ja and

The ebb current will set tevsrd

the S¥, and the flood current toward the Nw,


It is assumed that the 4uUNI test will preduce highly redic©

active contamineced water in & lerge segment of the fouth-central
pertica ef the Lagoon -

Here the probéole adrift ené spreed of the

very nighly contaminated water cconbeined initially within a one mile

redius cf point sero is ecnsidered.

For convenlenes we will desicn~

ate this yolune of raéleactive vater as "yolune £°.
The Grift cr this mess of contenminated water will cepend to a

lerge oxtent om the stage of the tide at the time ef thse shet.
the shot oveurs detween high tide end high tide plus thres hours,
the prevailing Southwest currents will carry cut of the Lagecon about

80% of “volume 4",
With the turn of the tide to flood just aftcr lew tide cecurs,
the remaining contaminated mess of water will be carrie¢ inte the


“4 2



Very little of the radioactive contamination which escaped


Corel 39

Lb iS


Select target paragraph3