
latitude of Bikini and appears at 220 to 400 meters Cepth.
On the scuth side of the area studied, the layer becomes about
300 meters thick and is found between 165 and 600 meters éoypth,
Eddying and meandering of the current

at these depths in the

latitude of Bikini (Ref. Figs. 6D and 65E) apparently canses
water to be welled upward from within this layer.

‘nus the

layer becomes thinner there than farther south.

Below the widespread North Pacific Internedicte water there

are spotty amnpearances of Vestern Nexrth reecifie Central water
interspersed between leyers of Pacific) Hkquatorial
Locations where Western North Pacifie

Centrel water ves found

locations at preater depth than


are north of Likiep “toil, north cf Rongerik Atoll. and 90 tc
130 miles northwest of Bikini Atoll.
‘41t mey eprear et other

was sampled).

All three are

in a northwest-southeast line end apnsarently represent a former
influx of ccep woter fren the northwest

central Yacific.


tongue appears piuchsd to the nerth of Ailinginae Atoli by

infley: of the Pecific Fouatorial weter mass cf narticularly
hign salinity fren scuth of Rengzelap Atoll to sbont 126 miles
gnurth ef Ailinginse Atoll.

Ths latter flow is within the sest-

erm part ot the Bikini eddy as shown in Fig. 6£.

Pacific Equatorial water is also found at all other
locations where samples were taken,

It eppears at ell depths

below about 350 to 400 meters in the latitude of Eikini, below
415 to 600 meters depth on the south side of the area studied
and below 7CO to 1200 reters depth on the north boundary of the


By continuity, it is shoalest in the latitude of Bikini

where it moves upverd to replece North Pacific Intermediate


water that wells toward the surface within the great, horizontal, slowly revolving eddy there.



Select target paragraph3