
waters neare. che surface, where currents are stronger, would
be swept out of the area in 2 years time, waters at these depths
would not have been renewed because of the feebleness of flow
there. Also the eddy may be present at 800 to 1200 meters with
water in it moving at a speed, of only a few hundredths of one
knots; 1t would further delay exchange of water in the area at
these depths.

Sone information that suggests. the presence of

the eddy in this range of depth is inferred from water mass

studies, discussed later in the report.

Surface water temreratures in the Bikini area ere relatively

high and uniform.

They vary from 25.99° on the northwest side

ef the area studied to 27.5°C on the southwest side

The most abrupt change is et the 26.6 and 27,0°C isotherms
which mark the scuthern boundary of the main branch of the North

Equatorial Current tn the ares.

Surface waters which are light

and warm move very slovly toward the north side of the current;





this produces @ more pronounced change in temoerature th

This crossdrift is so slow it cannot usualiy be detected sy
current measurenenss.
As the surface waters move across the equatorial current
toward its right hand boundary they become piled up, causing

warmer ‘temperature to extend deeper than at the south side.
This process is of sufficient importance to overcome the greater solar radiation received at the lower latitudes in spring.
This is illustrated by the averege temperature in the uprer


Select target paragraph3