Cliff Sloan
June 24, 1980
Page Five

Mitchell was behind the letter to President Carter which in fact
Was a very different letter than the one signed by the three chiefs

from Fnewetak.

It was my experience while a Peace Corps volunteer

on Utirik that Marshallese never use the sort of language contained
in the translated letter sent to the President, and I oan only surmise

that the original letter was grossly distorted, and misrepresented
the views and feelings of the signatories of the letter. It is very
interesting to compare this incident with the letter Mr. Mitchell

wrote to your Office about our telephone conversation, which grossly
distorted ny views about the Marshall Ielands.

Cliff, you should be aware that Giff Johnaon (of Micronesia
Support Committee) and I have submitted the Bender-Brill study to

several well-respected radiation experts for their scrutiny and
comments. We shall send their analyses and comments along to your

office as soon as we get them, as it is imperative that we have an
alternate point of view for the Bender-Brill study: we are dealing

with the health and safety of human beings who have a history of

- “losing* with the United States Government, and we can presently help
to rectify some of our mistakes if we proceed withcaution.

Thank you for taking the time to consider these thoughts and
Views about the Marshall Islanders.


Glerm HE. Alcalay




Ted Mitohell
Giff Johnson, MSC
“Arthur Paterson, National Council of Churches
vanton DeBrum, Marshall Islands Government
Ruth G. Van Cleve, DOTA-Interior
Peter R. Rosenblatt

Select target paragraph3