fprearad AOLT4S COnwilywewe wala pa a OTT: PAD INITIAL Bs Se, |Wachhot z: June 11, 1979 Bara 6/8/79 OHER: HHAD he ree am ne ep Dr. Yictor P. Bond Associate Director - Life Sciences & Chemistry & Safety Brookhaven National Laboratory Upton, New York 11973 a ee RTS, Brush ee een eenee FRITEAL DS, COR Dear Vic: ~ [ Oate _—— Albeit belatedly, enclosed are copies of the medical forms to which Mr. de Brum made reference during the meeting of May 16. It would be very much appreciated if you and your staff would review these forms and express any opinions you might think appropriate with respect to the symptoms identified, their relationship to possible radiation exposure, location and age of the individuals, etc. apm Per the content of paragraph four of Mrs. Yan Cleve's letter, we (DOE and £.1) need to discuss the advisability and necessity to address the issues raised with respect to these islands before meeting with the Department of Interfor or making any response to the Marshall a re Islands government. I think that the subject of pardgraphs five and six of Mrs. Van Cieve's Best regards. ny wr ATS By mot er BR -————--——— Bruce W. Wachholz, "h.d. pen Enclosure S Mr. McCraw, O&SO } t ttt Sincerely, Office of Environment COL FOMAL ADK vans 0 i BY OL IMivinw hh BEST COPY AVAILABLE Dr. Weyzen, OHER ee eNtTema em We very much appreciate your assistance in these matters, and particular your participation in the meeting of Nay 16. BIG DATE RTA letter has been addressed via the most recent trip to Kili. bec: IMITIML EB, OFFIC AG FEE COPY EE