permission to utilize the simuleted high-altitude chamber at the

Mitchell Air Force Base was received.

Equipment is presently being set

up for a precise calibration of the stratospheric air sampler at altitudes

of 60-70,000 feet and 90-100,000 feet.

"Activities of the Analytical Branch "Special Projects


The following samples from the Pacific Area were received
for analysis:


One case of marlin samples received from Dr. J.

Lewis, American Embassy, Tokyo, Japan.


were run for total fission products, strontium,
and berium.



Approximately 70 urine samples received from the

Marshall Islands, to be analyzed for total fission
products and seperate isotopes.

Approximately 60 urine samples from Japanese fisher-

men were recéived and processed for total fission

The results were in the neighborhood of

100 d/m/l (disintegrations per minute per liter),

which are considerably below those obtained on the
earlier sets. Further analyses of the first group
are being performed at present to see if the components are those which would normally be found in urine.

The following samples were received for the Sunshine Project.



Approximately 300 pounds of soil and urine samples

were received from Japan. These were collected by
the Chief of the Analytical Branch during his recent
trip there, They ere to be processed for radiostrontium.

Soil, vegetation, and water semples were received

from Rongelap and Utirik and are to be analyzed for


Select target paragraph3