




Project 30.1 - Micrcbarography - W. A. Gustafaon = SC
This is the Microbarograph Program. The oject of the project is to study propogation of pressure signals in air by large-scale detonations and to measure micro=
barographic signals received through ozonosphere and ionosphere, From this data,
wind direction, speed ami temperatures in the ionosphere and ozonosphere can be
determined. This information will be valuable for missile flights, that is, ICEM
The microbarograph measurements have been made on all operations starting with
BUSTER-JANGLE and it has been found both large and anall detonations give us upper
air information. Further information is needed in the tropical regions.
The standard microbarographic equipment will be used.

factured by Wiancko.

This equipment was mame

The total weight per station will probably be around 500# - it's

quite canpact and mall. In order to make these measurements most meaningful, we
would like to use islands in the following atolls: Eniwetok and Bikini, Ragerik,
Wotho or Ujae, and Ujelang. We do not feel this project justifies sole off-atoll
support and intend to establish microbarograph stations only on atolls which already
require support - Bikini, Rongerik, Wotho; and we would like to operate on Eniwetok
and Ujelang if possible,

We will not have any signal problems - we intend to use an electromagnetic pulse
for our zero time indications. The number of people estimated at the present time

is 12 = possibly two persons per atoll will be required.

appears to be three four-man tents.

Construction at the present

Select target paragraph3