


We are going to try to get increased sensitivity this time and it's making it
tougher from the point of view of stray signals being around in the air. Then
there is a remote possibility - depending upon whether we can get personnel to do
it - we'd like to try making an airborne measurement of this stuff. Sometime in
the future one might build this up into gear which drop aircraft might use, but

for the time being, I'd just like to see if maybe this could be done as a measure-

ment from an airborne station. We're going to have to check as to what is available
along this line. And as an even more remote possibility, the project is trying
to make & measurement on shipboard, so that we can get a quick measurement of time
interval. That's the remotest of possibilities in this experiment.
I'd be awfully happy if people would let us know what they're going to have
around the various bombs in the way of shielding and stuff that will keep gammas
from coming out in various directions. This enters into our theories of the thing we don't know whether it will check out to be the actual cause or not.
As usual, we try and ask everybody to get off the air, radio-silence-wise, and
we'd like to confer with everybody who is going to be on the air. Of course, we'll
argue this through J-3.
We haven't put in any requests yet because we've just had a chance to get
going on this. We'll probably have something on the order of four personnel in
the area however - maybe run six to twelve scopes; and it's possible, in the way
of construction, we may want to put up some big fences around us to keep other radio
signals out. In case this would interfere with anyone else, I would like to check.
We are thinking in terms of fences, oh, 100' high or so of something like chicken
Wire, or something like this, maybe a couple hundred feet wide behind us. We have
some ideas in wind that would mako this rather cheap ani casy to do, F think; but

if it is going to interfere with other peonle, we will have to heve lots of discussion on that subject,

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