


Project 12.1 = Threshold Detectors = Lee Aamodt - LASL
Program 12 is concerned with neutron measurements and Project 12.1 in parte
icular, with threshold measurements; but this shouldn't be confused with measure-

ments of neutrons on an extensive scale.

We are just making some neutron measure-

ments on a fairly small scale for diagnostic purposes where we use the neutron

measurements to tell us something aboutwhat is actuallygoingoninsidethe\—

devices. |



ese me:surements will be fairly simple, just some cable
etectors on them and these detectors will be sent back probably
on the day of recovery, which would be the day of the shot, for counting back
here. An attempt will also be mide to count in the field, but this will probably
be stopped sooner or later by fallout - so we will have to plan on counting then

back here at LASL,

The number of people involved will probably be two plus a couple of H&N
people who will be borrowed out there to help in placing and recovering samples,
Project 12.2 is a similar neutron measurement which is done by means of photo-=
graphic plates in a 30-ton collimator using recoil protons and the purpose here is
to get an accurate measurement of neutron spectrum for diagnostic purposes. The
shots concerned are Erie and Blackfoot, with stations at 300, 450, 600, perhaps

750 yards on Erie and om Blackfoot, because yields are a little smaller, at 300,

450, and 600 yards.

This will involve something like two
first to June first, and two or three H&N
thing we are going to need on these shots
where most of the conflict has come in on

or three people in the FA for fram April
people to help with the recovery. One
is a clear line of sight, and this is
other operations,

Select target paragraph3