Project 6.1 = Accurate Location of an Electranagnetic Pulse Source - Edward Lewis AFCRC

The name of this project is the "Accurate Location of an Electromagnetic Pulse
Source." The detonation of.a nuclear weapon in air causes a low frequency pulse to

be radiated. It is a pretty strong pulse which can be picked up at televised distances.
If we have an array of ground stations synchronized with each other and each measuring
the exact time it receives the pulse, we can compute the location of the detonation
point. This information is desired by TAC, SAC, and AEC. The ultimate objective
is to make fixes with errors of less than five nautical miles from distances up to

5,500 nautical miles from the detonation point.

It is also required to report the

fix within 30 minutes of shot time. During TEAPOT we conducted a program of basic
measurements and obtained sane very encouraging results, For REDWING we wish to
proceed in the direction of a more practical operational form of equipnent, and
we would like to test two different types of arrays. One of these we call "shert
base line array."

The receiving stations are fairly close together and are syn-

chronized by means of line-of-sight microwaves.

On the "long base array," the re=

ceiving stations will be separated up to 1,500 miles and will be synchronized by
CYTAC transmissions.

CYTAC is being developed by WADC and I think will be available

in time for these tests,

We would like to make one short base line array in the

Hawaiian Group and another on the California Coast. We would like to have one long
Base line array based on the islands of Midway, Hawaii and Palmyra, another one in
the ZI with stations ranging fran Minnesota to Texas, The long base line work will
be a contractor effort. We would like to have, well in advance, the shot time to
the nearest second. Because part of our apparatus has very short recording time, six
seconds, we have to hit it pretty close. We would also like to use the Navy antenna
at Lualualei on the island of Oahu for a CYTAC transmitter. Other problems are
communicating between the islands, especially from Palmyra to Hawaii, and the
problem of transportation to those sites which are sonewhat off the main track. We
now have a field party in the Hawaii region making a preliminary survey. Any

How do you get your information on shot zero times?

A: We hope to do that in the same way we did during TEAPOT, as trey would be
scheduled in advance.

Project 6.3 - Effects of Atanic Explosions on Ionosphere - Arthur K. Harris - ESL
During REDWING, we hope to find the additional data necessary to give us a
canplete theory and explanation of these major upper atmosphere effects, The equipment that we propose to use is the same as in CASTIE - vertical incidence ionosphere
recorders, This is radio equipment that sends principally in a vertical direction
toward the ionosphere, pulses of radio frequency energy, and over a frequency range





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