[—= orCoils
measure temperature by melting of something or acceleration by the breaking of
This will not be a simulation in any sense of a missile going through. It
will be merely the first instrumentation taken on something going through the

fireball and some experimental evidence of what happened in the way of deflection

and what happens to the thing going through. It will give us the first experience
and give us a chance to make the first mistakes that are bound to be made when we
try to shoot anything through a fireball now. This project was approved only a
few days ago. Because of its newness, some of the information we would like to
have here is still coming.
In regard to construction, the matter is relatively simple. We'll need a
couple of launching platforms perhaps 40' x 70'. We need camera locations and
those will be specified by the camera contractor. We'll need a timing buzz a few
seconds before from which we can time our facts. In regard to personnel, we will
need four or five people out there for a couple of weeks to get everything set up
right before the test and perhaps for a week or so afterwards to recover and get
everything wound up. Any questions?


What are your chances of hitting the fireball in the manner in which you


There is no actual proof.


We have only estimates which make us believe we

can hit all of a salvo within a hundred foot circle.

There will be 40 firings

in the early fall from which we will get statistical data which will mean 6
great deal more. The AF requested the privilege, which was readily granted, if
some of the things we hope will work out appear not to be working out, we will
simply drop the whole matter. We naturally hope we can make it; but it is conditional on those tests and the way they come out.


You're trying to locate these objects in space by means of photography?




Will it be feasible to identify each missile by means of photography?

A: No - I won't say it's not feasible. They have not said that they can do it
and we haven't found any way they can do it - which we wish we could. We may
be able to track from the firing up to the fireball. If we do, we'll know which
missile was where before it entered.


There is no way I know of that you can identify a missile after recovery and


Well, if’ ve can track from the firing platform.

tell where it entered.
the fireball?

Can you identify the missile in reference to entry into

I'm not gure if we can do this.)

(I'll have to check because

When we recover, here's missile #1 over here but

ei aep__ SORED

Select target paragraph3