



Project 5,8 - Evaluation of the A3D=I



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Aircraft for Special Weapons Delivery Capability -

Harward - BudAer

Project 5.8 is a Navy Buder project, whose objective is to establish escape

criteria for airborne delivery. This will be accanplished by measuring the themal
radiation at various ylelds, A secondary ojective of this project is to prove the

delivery capability of the A3D-1 airplane,

Essentially 5,8 is an extension of

TEAPOT Project 8.1 to give high-yield information. Consequently our participation

will be only in the Group B Bikini shots.

Instrumentation of the aircraft is being accomplished by the Douglas Aircraft


In general, this instrumentation will consist of a 96 channel oscillo-

graph recording to provide time-base data on the following:

U5 channels of thermo-

couples to measure the time-temperature rise on the thin skins of the airplane; these
thermocouples will be shielded with quartz and this will give a canparison for aero=
dynamic cooling effects, Twelve channels of thermai-input data of calorimeters,
radiceters, etc., will determine the thermal radiation at the desired point in space,
and this part compliments the WADC program of 5.7. Eight channels will record the
jet engine instrumentation to determine compression surge and turbine temperature
changes that result from gust and thermal effects. About seven channels will record
overpressure amd response to the gust velocity.

We have a similar positioning system to that Mr. Miller described for the AF

planes. We intend to use for the pilot positioning of the plane the radar-bdanbing
computer and a Tacan system that will be essentially airborne. We also intend to
use the Raydist system which the AF is installing for the after the fact positioning.
The transmitting frequencies we intend to use approximately one hour before time zero.

Mr, Miller covered the Raydist frequencies with a high-frequency range of 1.6 to

2 mes and the relay stations of 30 to 0 mcs, The Tacan transmitter will operate
on 1,000 to 1,200 mcs, with a power output of approximately five watts. We will
also need a UHF count-down frequency and the normal air-cmtrol UHF net. These

frequency requirements are being coordinated with J-3 and I think they're well aware

of our problem.

The time zero position desired to produce the thermal temperature rise that

we'd likes to have for our project willbe within six miles of GZ at 30-35,000' of

altitude, except on one shot, we'd like to make a low-altitude run of aout 2,000!
to simulate the low-altitude bombing run-out.
Our construction requirements and logistics will consist of the Raydist blockhouses and installing an eighth antenna along with the WADC program, a Tacan antenna
and transmitter installation which we would like to have located on Enyu if we could.
We hope to ship all of our equipment by air. Presently we plan toseni? 30 per-=
somnel to Eniwetok = this will include the maintenance and flight crews and the
Douglas engineers who will support the instrumentation and the data-reducing programs.
We intend to have the airplane available approximately 30 days prior to the schedule
for Cherokee so that we can participate in training and rehearsal flights.





Select target paragraph3