
that by using the rats we can get varying degrees of injury and determine this critical "Q" value.
For this experiment to be successful, it is necessary that the rats be anesthe-

tized and that they be transported to this island at six hours before detonation time.
What we would like to do is to go into an underground shelter on George, but there's
no provision for such shelters, and there are good reasons why there are no shelters;

therefore we shall probably operate from a ship and, by means of helicopters six hours
before detonation time, transport the animals, set them up, and get out of the area
not earlier than five hours before detonation time. Access to the area afterward will
be in a matter of a few hours and not later than 24 hours.
Personnel required will be four and we'll make an effort to cut down that number

since personnel requirements are critical.

Construction requirements are minimal

because we lean very heavily on our thermal phsyicist, Dr. Plum, and his co-workers
for the necessary support. It is planned to make a second experiment in Zuni on May

15th, the surface shot, and that, we hope, will give us the information we require.

Select target paragraph3