very easy thing. We are trying to do it just a little more efficiently. Let me
point out that towards this end we will not have what we call a hot ship as we
did in CASTLE, They will all be washed down to the greatest extent practicable

and we will cover all the areas of the ships that are not being used for other

projects with strip coating material and take off all the appurtenances that are

not necessary for the trip.

If I describe an operational cycle of these ships, it might give you an idea

of how similar it is to Operation CASTLE.

The requirements for most of the

projects demand that the ships be at Eniwetok prior to participation. That means
it takes about 16-18 hours to move to the FA, I might point out that the participation is for Bikini. The requirement here is to leave the Eniwetok lagoon
at daylight and enter the lagoon at Bikini at daylight hours,

crew will be stripped to a skeleton crew.

At this time the

The few people left will then move

the ships out, also in daylight, and move toward a designated area which is

controlled by the fallout predicitions and the forecasts.

The area of operation

at the particular point of interest is rather long, the crew aboard is very small,

and this is a rather strenuous effort.

There will be some project personnel

aboard, and it might be advisable for the project officers to bear in mind that

the people they select should follow some sort of specification so that they have
a low metabolism rate; are not overly tall, short or fat; that they can go for
long periods without eating; and that they don't show any undue emotional jags
in periods of high stress or do not mind heat and humidity,

If they survive

the rocket programs and fallout, they will still have 25 hours to go before thay
come back,

I'm sure they will be rather tired and we'll have a job.

We hope that it's almost 100% less tedious and exasperating to the support

group than it was at CASTLE, We didn't know about this flexible time and we
went to Bikini with three days rations and stayed 21, so I never realized we had
to beg for food. This time we will have ample supplies up to about 100 days for
the journey,

I believe our construction planning is in good hands.

We hope to combine

almost all the support facilities and constructions for these eight or nine
projects concerned. They all seem rather pleased that this be done and we want
to make a lesser burden on the FA. We are discussing this now, We have an

appointment with J-3, I hope very soon and with J=4, J-6 and J-l before Friday.
I'm sure there are no questions,

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