

within about 10%,

om —_

Did you say a helicopter would be as low as 5: over the island?

No. They will fly at a 1,000’, but a probe will be lowered to the ground
and a timing switch will indicate when the probe touches the ground.
Project 2.6.6 = Early Cloud Penetration = Col #. A. Pinson = AFSW
The purpose of this project is to determine the radiation dose rate and
integrated radiation dose which air crews might receive in flying through the

clouds from Mt yield weapons at various times after detonation,

This project has

been undertaken as a result of a requirement established by the USAF and SAC. We
think that the resuits that we hope to get will be equally applicable to other

operational air commands. The aircraft which we hope to get for this project is
the B-57B aircraft, a two place aircraft with an altitude capability in excess of
50,000'. We will have numerous types of instrumentation on this aircraft. We
hope to haveat least two, possibly three, independent, automatic recording dose
rate meters on the aircraft in addition to a half-dozen types of integrating

dosimeters on the aircraft. We expect to participate in all of the Mt yield shots,
the five largest. The altitudes at which we wilt operate
will be from 30 to
50,000', at times which we now think will range from 30 minutes to 90 minutes. We
will employ two types of maneuvers in these penetrations. (Cne, which we call
the nip, in which we go into the cioud a reasonable distance, let's say a halfmile or so and back out as quickly as possible. Another type of penetration,
which we call a bore-thru, where we will go directly thru the cloud. In the first
shot that we participate in, in order to inject as much safety into the operation
as possible, we shall make penetrations at the later times that I have indicated,
and with the nip type of penetration which will keep us in the cloud the least

amount of time.

We expect to have approximately 12 technical people in the FA

in addition to the people who fly and maintain the aircraft.


Any questions?

Will you have to have any special radiation dose in order to make penetration?

Yes, sir. We would have to have a special radiation dose in order to enable
us to make penetration at the times which will be useful to us; and one of the.
problems we have with this type project is getting the approval of an established
dose greater than let's say 3.9 R,

SAC has asked for bore-thru type penetration which would net up to 75R,


have consulted with them and we were understandably hesitant to make penetrations
at this time in keeping with the uncertainties of the dosage that one can get
from a project of this sort. Ithink we can appreciate, from the TEAPOT work,
error factors of up to three times are quite possible and if you multiply 75
by 3 you have got quite a dose. We talked with SAC about this and they, I think,
would be satisfied if we could make penetrations up to the point where bore-thru
penetrations would net 25 to 5CR, In keeping with this, we will request approval

for a 25R upper limit for our aircrews and perhaps a 5CR limit on not more than six

aircrew members,

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Select target paragraph3