Armand Kelly presented the functions of J-1 as follows:

They prepare personnel

for overseas shipment (shots, orders, badges, identification cards, security indoc-

trination, etc.); they arrange their transportation to the FA; they receive arriving

persomel in the FA and assign quarters for working and living; and, when their work
is canpleted, they return all personnel to the ZI, They also perform personnel
musters before shots in the FA, and assist in emergency evacuations, should such be
required. Budgetary matters for TG 7.1 also came within the scope of J-l.

Colonel Lipp spoke in behalf of Harry Allen for Je, %e stated that J-l is

concerned with transportation and supply, staffwise and in an operational manner.
Staffwise, they accumulate material from status reports, consolidate and send it
to JIF SEVEN for incorporation into their requirements for ships, aircraft, etc.,
for movement overseas. The Transportation and Shipping Section in the FA is ready
to send supplies and equipment to the proper site where it is needed. Cargo ships
will stq directly at Bikini Atoll and drop off materials there which are markéd for
Bikini; therefore, on the next status report, please be sure to show exactly where
you want your cargo sent. Supplywise, J-l; is responsible for procuring necessary
supplies for use overseas, and for getting military supplies for the task group as

awhole. A mamal of shipping instructions, dated July 1, 1955, has been issued by
Je; if you do not have your copy and would like one, please contact Jel. We are
also issuing a catalog which will show all stock items in the Bikini-Eniwetok Area
and all the technical supplies we will carry in the FA - on Parry, ani in the two

Jel; trailers spotted in the Bikini Area. The SOP of Supply Management will be in=
cluded in the Administrative SOP, Jl, Annex, for the task group.
Bod Campbell presented the J-6 functions as follows: We are responsible for

ALL construction overseas (tents, towers, phones, fences, etc.) and we have a year's
work ahead to be done in the next eight months, We will find out what you need in
the way of services and facilities out there and samehow translate them to the

engineers and contractors so that they are built when you get there. It is therefore
essential that you get your construction requirements in as soon as possible. Mr.
Campdell also supplied the grid coordinates for the Cherokee Air Drop as N 172,172!
and E 82,082'.
Col Kerwin gave the following J-3 functions: J-3 has a primary responsibility
in the field of plans and operations, and they need to know: (1) What do you need?

(2) What can we do to help you in the FA? J-3 has published the Task Group Concept

of Operations (J3-50, dated 12 April 1955), which includes the shot schedule,

operational support in the FA, general movement, weather support, etc. They are
concerned, too, with major military support items (ships, carriers, boats, helicopters,
aircraft, etc.). J-3 is also finding out what you need; how you are going about doing
the jo, ani how you intend to work overseas; your transportation requirements overe
seas, your needs in the way of canmunications (radio ani phone), off-atoll support,

and evacuation and recovery requirements, sanple return, etc., as well as your needs
for otaining additional operational support items,

Col Kerwin stated that the Interim Phase will end about March 1, 1956.

At that

time J-3 will be at PPG in force and will have 18 LASL, six UCRL, and possibly some
AFSWP personnel to look after their interests,



At Eniwetok we will establish the





Select target paragraph3