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be faced with the possibility of having to be ready a week earlier than they intended,
or of losing their efforts,

On the other hand, I do feel that I should again warn you that this does not mean
that a lot of these shots may not be later, If you are planning to work on a shot,
here, ami another shot over here, you certainly should not plan along the lines of
saying we will buy equipment and have people to do this shot and when we get through
with it we will move the equipment over to do this shot; because you will certainly
have the pessibility of having the order reversed or at least having the shot not go
off any sooner, and not having enough time to move equipment. In some cases, this
may not be possible and, where it isn't, we will have to live with it.
I think, since a large pertion of the rest of the meeting will be presentations
of individual projects, it might be worth while taking just a few maments to try to
give you a picture of some of the experimental effort as it applies all across both

There are many things fairly common to all shots and it is fairly ebvious that

on any shot one must. measure the yleld of the device, The yield in general will be
measured by radiochemistry and fireball - radiochemistry, by means of taking sauples
with airplanes and then bringing the samples back to the United States for analysis;
and fireball - by means of cameras in various positions on both atolls where those
cameras are arranged to cover several shots, There is mot a separate camera setup
for each shot.




€He on Runit,sanewhere
aroundAqnoyi, up on Bogon close to Helen; on Eninman
ard Aenoen
| and Namu in Bikini Atoll,

These are fairly large stations.

A mmber of devices are two-stage devices on which one must measure the time
interval so that various groups at both UCRL and LASL will be involved in measuring
the time interval between the primary and secondary. The experimentation to do so
varies fran shot to shot.









Hence, the conditions forfiring have been arranged to get the
“goatfallout data that one can fran such a shot, and it was particularly designed

to have the height of burst slightly higher than the fireball radius, Fallout measurements will be made for this shot with ships surveying the water, with rafts, etc.,
and also on a few other shots to serve for canparison purposes. There is a large blast
progran on that shot also, and on several others with structures being built along
the reef on the north side to investigate the effects on those structures fran an air

In order to do a schedule like this, there are many places we are going to have
alot of trouble, We have to fire the shot, which means, in the first place, that
we have to get the banbs out there. A great proportion of the bombs go to Parry

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Select target paragraph3