


ronically, othe~s received it acutely before sacrifice, and still ot
ceived none. Each animal was given tritiated thymidine four hours b
crifice, so that contact radioautographs might be made to determine
d how many cells possessed nuclei that were preparing for mitosis.

me instances the rats were also given minute trace doses of 1131 to
e function of the thyroid before they were sacrificed.

The radioaut

r tritiated thymidine were not prepared until this I131 had completely

Some animals tere killed early in the course of the expe

ther additional data on the supramaximal surge of DNA formation that]had
en observed in previous experiments two months after the I131 was

dy weights, thyroid weights and thyroid function, as measured by Irt3}

ke, as well as gross changes in thyroids, are ali being determined af the

me of sacrifice.

These experiments nave been in progress for about one year.

us far selected for sacrifice have been 34 and 9 months.


Animals will be

erificed at more frequent intervals as the expected time for the oc

neoplasms arrive.

They will be sacrificed at intervals for 2 to 2] °


ars. It is hoped that the intervals elected for sacrifice will give
dioautographs at the time when the first signs of the development of

ars gone by. As the neoplasms begin to develop, evidence for diffe
rates of synthesis of DNA in different parts of the thyroid will be
ught. At the time of the most recent sacrifice of animals, no gross
idence of tumors had yet «appeared.
clear Changes in Human Radieted Thyroid Tissue
Over the years there have been opportunities to procure by surgic
ans, samples of thyroid tissue from patients previously treated with yi3l,
ving firmly established the method of Feulgen staining and

crospectrophotometry on animal thyroids in this laborator;;(3), the

thodology for procuring and processing the tissue was set into operatic
ne human material was to become available. Thus, the quantitative m@asure—
ne in the past on animals.

Over a period of almost 10 years, thyrotc

ssues from 13 1121 treated patients have been obtained for this s
addition, & tissues from thyroids previously

i & controls were obtained.

subjectedto x-ray. rac

Ten of the 13 1431 patients were subjected

3 operated on for persistence of hyperthyroidism; in two instances
3 obtained at prompt post mortem examination. Recently the final s


3in method, it was found that somewhat fewer of these radiated tissue
splayed bizarre nuclear forms than was_ observed in our previous radié

nan thyroids described many years agn(2),

However, four of 13 1231 |

tients showed an abundance of the bizarre nuclear forms in extranod

One of the most obvious had been given propylthiouracil before

2 operation because of continued hyperthyroidism. The use of this dz
ich acted as a stimulus to the patient's thyroid, may have behaved
shion comparable to our animal experiments where an abundance of bize
slear forms developed when a similar stimulus was applied. In this dz

Select target paragraph3