



As an example of the complex radiological situation which exists.on

-nicetok, ome island, Puwit, is show in Figure 6 with a plot of gam
exposure rates on that island. Containination from eight tesis om Auait

is measurable today.

An early preliminary survey has contiimed the

presence of a plutonium-bearing, sand layer outcropping on the ocean side
-€ the tslind, aad tha existence of solid plutonium-bearing chunks,
grains, and other particulates en the island suriace and car surface

Earth and debris moving activities ducing and after test onerations
have resulted in a complex radiological situation in which adjacent
areas may be quite different as to levels and vertical distrisution of
yadioactivity in soil.
Data available to cate indicate than tadiclosic f
contamination is less severe on other island 3s but is sufficient to pose
a considerable problen.
At 2 Septenber 7, 1°72, Iotercigercty Meeting,
with rvespecc to funding were reached:


the following agreements

The AEC will fund the radiological aspects of the

precleanup survey,

the conduct of any other radiological

survey activity that micht be roquired to understand
conditions in the eavironment as they relate to cxposures
of peseple ond dcuvelopments of standards, and the conduct
of periodic follow-up radio-epical surveys that take place

after clon.
if later held anw/or Laboratere cont 74
dona by tha 200 tp ceunert of clemmun, ALU snotia oe relmoursed

by Ueo.

DOD would be responsible for funding the engineering portions
of the precleanun survey and thesa monitoripe as? rirvey
actietttes chet wa reimiresd co cunserr cleanun enerations

and ta Tasuve s.teaty of perscanel invalvec in eboney
COv c1so0 vould icund che ee gieanc: Of bettr”
radivlogical and woa-radiolesical :
DOL vould bea
responsible for funding rehabiliration
sts ones cleanup is

resent best estimate of the cast of the AEC precleannp rodia
sucvey is $1.3N.
Costs of
sequent stuiies and radiolovzic
monitoring activities ara ustimatea to va approntaately ¢
for FY 1974 and bayoad.
POS cost:
are estimated at detween $2G-4Cli and may go hilishor,
The antual final
costs are hishly depentcne on the amewme of soll and debris
aeaded fa 3 te
removed and subsequent dicnosal s cthods omployec, To date the Bos he
committed csupronimaraivy $5CCx in the precieanug ensginearing survey.

vt tee Freee




Select target paragraph3