James Le Liverman


assignments of responsibility. The Medical group at Brookhaven
would retain responsibility for directing the blo-assay effort and

for Interpretation of the blomedical significance of survey results.
Finally, as you are eware, throughout his long assoclation in the
Marshalls, Dr. Conard has provided general medical care for those

people he has visited.

This humanitarian and very worthvhile work

by Dr. Konrad Kotredy.

You may wish to inform DOI and TIPI thet so

has been contimed by Dr. Knud Knudsen who recently conpletod two
years in residence in the Marshalls, and is currently being performed
long as our resources and scheduling permit, when we have doctors in
the Marshalls, wo will, if requested, contimue this practice.



Roger Ray, Assistant Manager
for Fnvironmont and Sefety

Dre Be A,

Conzrd, HL,

Upton, NY


see SF

W. J. Stanley, PASGR? pom ah

Select target paragraph3