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March 31, 1954


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Statement by Lewis L, Strauss

Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission
The President has authorized me to make available those portions
report of yesterday to him, the publication of whioh would not
compromise information vital to our national security.

I have just returned from the Pacific proving Grounds of the

Atomic Energy Commission where I witnessed the second part of a test
ermonuclear weapons)
I will describe it as well as Lam
able, but perhaps before doing so it would be appropriate to begin with
a short summary of the historical background,
We detected the test of an atomic weapon, or device, by the

Russians in August of 1949,

Realizing that our leadership was there-

fore challenged and that our sole possession of the weapon which had
been a major deterrent to aggression had been cancelled, it became
clear that our superiority would thereafter be only relative and dependent
upon a quantitative lead -- that is to say, upon our possession of greater
numbers of atomic weapons sc long as that could be maintained, There
was, however, the alternative of a qualitative lead if we could make
a weapon of greater force -- greater than the fission weapons by a

degree of magnitude comparable to the difference between fission bombs
and conventional bombs, A theoretical method of accomplishing this
was known to our scientists.
In January 1950 the President directed
mission to undertake the necessary steps to
called the hydrogen bom», the Fusion bomb,
could in fact be made. As you know, thanks

the Atomic Energy Comsee if this weapon, variously
and the thermenuclear bomb,
to the ingenuity of those

scientists and engineers who devoted themselves to the project, the

feasibility of the fusion reaction was demonstrated and a prototype was
tested at Eniwetok in November 1952,


This test produced the largest man-made explosion ever witnessed

to that date, and from that point we moved into refinement of design and
other development, In August of last year the Russians also testeda
weapon or device of a yield well beyond the range of regular fission
weapons and which derived a part of its force from the fusion of light

‘ elements,

There is good reason to believe that they had begun work

on this weapon substantially before we did,

The present series of tests has been long in the planning, It is
conducted jointly by the Atomic Energy Commission and the Department
of Defense, A Task Force composed of the three armed services and
a scientific staff representing the Commission was established last
year in accordance with the procedure successfully followed in preceding
tests outside our continental limits. The Navy, Air Force, and Army
have successively supplied the command for the Task Forces.

Early this January, men and supplies began to move outto nel
Proving Grounds for this series. The first shot took place on its

scheduled date of March 1, and the second on March 26,

Both were

successful, No test is made without a definite purpose anda
careful determination that it is directed toward an end result of major

importance to our military strength and readiness. The results which

the scientists at Los Alamos and Livermore had hoped to obtain from
these two testa were fully realized, and enormous potential has been
adijed to our military posture by what we have learned,





FOLDER Conference.

Select target paragraph3