
due to their proximity to the test sites.

If this hypothesis is correct,

an increase in levels in Pu could be related to the absorption from soil,
food snd water of the contaminated island, or perhaps absorption directly
from exposure to the fallout following the detonations during the testing

This is the reason for study of environmental samples and urine

from people of remote Marshall Islands.

A comparison of the urinary levels

in Marshallese born after the 1958 huclear weapon testing moratorium compared with those living during the testing progrsm may be of help in this
regard and such a study has been initiated.
It is important to determine the source and route of absorption of
Pu in the Marshallese.

Gastrointestinal absorption via the food chain

would seem to be much less important than the inhalation route.


foods grown on Bikini Island have had very low levels of Pu and this is
probably largely from contamination on the outside of the fruit.


levels of the nuclide are present in livestock and greater amounts in
coconut crabs, but both of these are minor sources of food.
also has low levels of



Marine life

From these findings and the reputed

very low level absorption of Pu from the G.I. tract, absorption of


from the food chain would appear to be a minor source of contamination.
With regard to the inhalation route, only limited data are available
on 239-240PU ad

Am levels of Bikini soil and resuspended dust analysis.

Recent, limited data indicate that soil levels in 1970-1975 for Pu ranged
from 3 to 43 p Ci/g.

The Eniwetok task group established 40 p Ci/g for

soil in a safe upper level.
able amounts of
Table VII).

Limited air sampling indicates barely detect-

Pu resuspended in the air on Bikini island (see

A comprehensive year around air sampling program is currently

being scoped to begin in the northern Marshalls next year.

The dust

Select target paragraph3