
Recent surveys show that the interior of the island had higher gamma readings
than had been originally recorded and it was deemed advisable to recommend
suspension of plans for construction of new housing in the interior of the

The radiation levels in the village area along the lagoon are con-

sidered satisfactory for habitation.

It was recommended that Enue be estab-

lished as the village center and also be made the “garden” island for local

This recommended change id policy, about two years ago, has been

the cause of considerable unrest and dissatisfaction among the Bikini people
and some apprehension about the radiological safety of those living at Bikini.
These events have led to threatened legal action against ERDA.
The estimated bone marrow dose from both external and internal sources
to the residents of Bikini island and Enue island (at Bikini) compared with
such estimates for residents of Rongelap, Utirik and people in Denver and
Long Island in the U.S.A. are presented in Table IX.

The estimates for

Bikini were based on people living in the present village area.

With low

natural radiation that exists in the Marshalls and fewer medical x-rays, the
annual bone marrow dose estimated for the Bikini people, though higher than
that for the Rongelap and Utirik people is not as great as in inhabitants of
Denver, Colorado.
The plutonium problem.

The finding of low levels of Pu in the urine of

the Bikini and Rongelap people has been the cause of some concern.

The levels,

even though about ten times those measured in New Yorkers, as reported by
HASL, appeared to be well below the urine concentrations associated with the

The confirmation of the original finding in a repeated analysis of

Bikini urine and the finding of similar levels in the Rongelap people has
indicated the need for more extensive study of the problem.

The unexpected

detection of similar levels of Pu in the Rongelap people has created speculation that perhaps the Marshall Islands have generally higher levels of Pu

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