
of those presently measured in the Rongelap people the
the same.


Sr levels were about

Since the Bikini inhabitants have been subsisting largely on imported

food these findings would seem to indicate that they are eating some plant foods
grown locally, though their consumption is forbidden.

The limited intake of

domestic livestock would indicate that this is a minor source.


pandanus and breadfruit, the two main plant sources of these isotopes are not
available yet in any great quantity 4nd measures are being considered to transplant these plants to Enue (the nearby less contaminated island) in order to
remove the temptation for eating them.

The drinking water from the wells and

catchments would not appear to offer a significant contribution to the body
burdens since the radionuclides present are well below theMPC.

Marine life

at Bikini has been reported to contain very low levels of radionuclides and
apparently offers no problem.

The coconut crabs have high enough levels of

these radionuclides to be banned from the diet of the Bikinians and are very
scarce in any event.

The present body burdens of

people would not seem to be a cause for concern.

It is

is a relatively higher Sr-Cs ratio in the Bikini people
Rongelap people.

Attempts will be made to determine if

and 90Sr in the Bikini

Select target paragraph3