The pressure ranges at Eniwetok covered by Sandia, then, are

AeS5 t© 100 psi,

at Bilcini they would work from &.5 to 25 psi.

Ogle thought

they should be persuaded to go into lower pressure regions, since the effects
introduced by atmospheric inhomogeneity do not occur until further out,
Whether or not this 18 a point of military interest was diacussed at length.

Porzel thought surely the tactical employment of a large weapon hinges almst
&S mich on this question as any other, The matter was not resolved,

MeLellen, the De6 representative for DOD, will remain at LASL
to see that station locations are pinpointed on a map for this as well as

other projects,


Pressures greater than 40 pei = BRL

Miner is quite optimistic about the new BRL self-recording

gauges, They have been

right eo far at U/K at lower pressures. They

cost only @150 apiece, will record pressures as low as-~- 10 psi,


required is a 6-ft pipe set in a block of concrete, with a screw top to put
in their gauge.

Recording is a scratch record on a spring=-driven dm,

No timing signals are required,
in one cluster,

They would mount four gauges at each station

For the deep water shot, stations are planned for bokororyury,

Bokoaetokutoku, Qurukaen, and Arriiken

{one station on each),

Then the

Plan was that these same stations, plus locations on Bolobynadaa, bokonejien,

and Nam,would also cover the Nami shot, |




“BRL wanted to keep tneir stationsout-ofthecrater and out ot the water,

but in as high pressure regions as they could, which turned out to be ~ 100
psi maximum,

For the lagoon barge shots, they figured on one station each

on Yurochi, UVorikinu, Romurikim, and Aomen, on the beach toward zero,

For Shot 5 (Morgenstern), they planned a blast line dom Rninman with six
Btations along it, plus a 7th station offset, would require that the blast

line be cleared to be 150 = 200 ft in width,

(Someone suggested this would

be a good Flace to put the structure of 3.1; see below.)
two stations on Bigiren,

They also want

All the above stations will be on the beach facing zero except
for the strip dowm Eninman, Presumably, Miner could send someone to ssh
to mark their exact positions on a nmap,
For the Rnivetok ahot, three stations on Aomon and one on

another island (hojoa or aitsu) are suggested, all these to be spread along
the beach,

Again the sane objection applies with regard to measuring

Select target paragraph3