Item 2s



Wo particular comment.


Ogle felt his number of 50 = 100

ft would still stand. Someone suggested doubling the number of cameras
to double the field of view, but Campbell said this would probably
square the cost of the station.


Item 3: It appears that the Navy Task Group will be the one
responsible for putting out cables, anchors, buoys, etc., with Projeot
1.4 working out the preliminary scheme of things. At the moment there
4s no Navy Task Group. Hall thought we would probably stand a reasonable
chanoe of getting an AW and an ATF out there to do the work.

Curry will

send the request to JTF that the work be done, they will take the
necessary action with CHO.
Item 4:

Wo particular coment.

Item 5: A survey party will be needed to study positioning of the
barge when it is in place; as noted, H&N will do this work. The winds
are worse in the sumer than in the spring, so this will be a good test

for safety factors but not so good for barge position. Narver said one
could duplicate the winds by pushing on the barge with a small boat next

to it. Thaler will get the best data available from the Hydrographic
Office, which has a man out there now. As for period of this test, Graves
thought the minimum is 2 wks, a month is more desirable. Curry stated
that the only equipment on the barge at the moment for positioning it,
pulling the buoys over, establishing the tension, is a hand winoh; if
the study indicates something more is indicated it should be planned fore
Further discussion ensued as to barge positioning. Once the shore moors
and the deep water moor are hooked together, they are never broken;
there is a total system, the barge is just hooked on where it is wanted.
This is a must, to have the shot barge independent of the moor.
Item 6: MWarver brought up the point that H&W must have access to
the cable, as they will have to hang submarine cable out to the barge.
The weight is serious, since this submarine cable weighs ~ 4 lbs/fts he
will furnish the exact figure. It may mean increasing the size of the
flotation buoys, and also considerably more tension of the cutbeard

Item 7 and 8s

H&N will renovate the deadmen, and once they are

renovated the chain must be fastened to the deadmen. Thaler said they
would probably need about 500 ft of chain per deadman. It was agreed
this latter work will be part of the Navy's placing the barge. They
will need some small beat support from HiNs Thaler's people will haul
the chain out there, will ask Hil to chip away so they can get at the
old chain, etc.
Item 9:

Walsh suggested that rather than use a barge which some-

one else will need later, a separate barge be obtained, because he

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Select target paragraph3