

A 16-ton anchor was put in the bottom of the hole and the whole backed
over with concrete. Thaler suggested chipping into the conorete until
the first good link of chain is found, attaching the new chain on it,

“"“~and going on from there.

Chain is needed back there rather than cable

deoause they are afraid of chafing on the reef. This would probably
be 1-1/2" chain. They would reactivate the deadman, mm the ohain out
as far as one has to, hook the cable on, then begin paying out the
mooring line and attaching the flotation buoys as they go.


Ogle expressed worry about tansion on the line. Thaler hopes to
get more information on the sise of barge and weapon cab and the configuration, then calculate the forces with various wind velocities.
This is not the final proposal he is presenting nowe-it just indicates
the general direction and how they will caloulate it when they get
final numbers on sise of barge, eto.

For the last 100 ft or so, the net laying people suggested 1-1/2"
chain again be used because when the catenary is not tight it lies
flat against the bottom. They would then hock into the clump and from
there would be another chain going out to the anchor. Kingsley suggested
that the longer this ghain, the better off one would be in safety.
They have not yet decided on the length of anchor chain. It is a sand
bottom, so presumably the anchor will bite in all right and the clump
should dig itself in also,
Ogle raised the question of the line being so close to vertical
that if there is very much motion there is a serious chance of dragging
the anchor. Kingsley suggested a scheme as in the sketch, said one could
bring the deep sea moor up to a buoy. |
Spain thought the bucy would have
to be sised so it is submerged and
could not be lifted. Ogle felt the
sea anchor part should be designed
for the case of appreciable wind in
the wrong direction. Thaler agreed
completely, said they had no intentions
of relying on wind predictions. He,
and the people he talked to, felt they had enough safety factors here
unless there was a serious storm.
Hooper raised the point that the barge will presumably not be
put out very long in advance, will be unattended probably for not more
than 12 bhrse
Ae for the possibility of a storm wrecking the bucys before the
barge is placed, Thaler stated that the surface area which the wind

Select target paragraph3