Le Me Swift will be project officer for 3.1.

It is urged that
be in and ready to go,
minute cheoking out, before
there is avery good chance

for Shot & participation the instrumentation
with the possible exception of very laste
Shot $ and preferably before Shot 2, because
of falleout from prior shotse

Crater Survey and Evaluation © SRI

The Army Map Service, with coordination by SRI, has agreed to

prepare a plan for photography to be taken as soon as possible after
each of the land shots for each crater. Ogle has discussed with Vaile

at NPG the question of how soon after the shot this work cantegin.


feels that as long as they use planes they can take a picture 1/2 to 1

hr after the shot, but discouraged him with all vehemence from trying to

take profiles from a boat in less than something like two days after the

NEL will put fathometers in an LCM and traverse the crater,
will want to get in as soon as possible after the shot. They expect to
be able to work out a plan to dump some buoys over the side and take
sightings with a periscope if necessary.

they should go in if it is that hot.)

(Ogle said he did not think

It is planned that Lookout Mountain will do the photography.
They will be approached next week on this pointe

Pressures in a Tree Stand » SRI

A oneeshot affair (Shot 5), probably to be done at the west

end of Eniirikku, as noted above, invelving 10 or 15 channe
ls of instrue
mentation, measuring pressures on the ground. The
Tree Service would
like, if the pressures are right, to instrument
the trees as well, but
at the moment it appears the pressures are
not proper in this one tree
stand which is the only one. At any rate, the
Tree Service may request

wean channels for tree instrument
ation; this would be done for then

Doll thinks 6 or 7

including the trees.

eople will be enough
ough f for all this work,



Weutron Dosimetry with Mice ~ Walter
This project has been dropped.


Select target paragraph3