
MWeutron Slux and Speotrum Measurements ~- NRL
NRDL had. originally planned some participation here, but will

now not be involved in the project and this is only WRL (T. Hanscome).
There are some construction requirements, piling with. concrete caps,

details not yet known.

Weutron and Gamma Ray Shielding - CRL
This project has been cancelled.


Fall-out Distribution Studies © NRDL, CRL
This is

another project which poses a large operational problem.

Tt involves putting out 100 stations radially at 18° intervals with dis-

tances of 5, 10, 20, 35, and 50 miles. Of those, 20 to 30 will be on land

er. anchored on rafts in the lagoon. The others will be free-floating
outside the lagoon. The rafts will be the same type (DAN buoys) as used
for Ivys they are 2 ft in diameter, $ ft high, float almost submerged and
have an antenna. CINCPAC has made a requirement that they have positive
identification on them this time, so they will not be confused with submarines.

Two vessels will be needed, capable of ceovering 12 mots, to

place and recover the rafts for Shots 2, S, and & fron D - 2 to Df 4,
They would like to have the vessels based at Sniwetok, which will mean

an additional time requirement.

On the recovery phase (to Df 4) th

also need occasional use of a spotting aircraft.

The Task Force (ally

has their requirements, knows they are in addition to our previous require-

ments, and is starting action on then.

The land-station portion of the project is designated as 2.5b.
Land stations will be located near the Project 2.2 stations (the

scintillation counters).

Ogle questioned this:

the 2.2 stations are

supposedly within the range of pronpt gemmas, and he would expect these

to be outside that range.

That is, he would expect the DOD not to be

particularly conoerned with fall-out in the first mile and a half but to
be mere concerned with it from there out to about 50 miles, whereas one

would want the © (t) instrumentation in closer.

Kingsley replied that

there is enough overlap that some of the 2.2 station positions will be
suitable, since for some of the shots part of the stations will be more
than 5 miles from ground sero.

Radiochemical Analysis of Ground Contamination - NRDL, CRL
No construction requirements at the site.

Select target paragraph3