a month), an LCM or something of that nature, to place the instruments.

Scripps will submit a proposal to ONR covering the work

discussed above.

In addition, they will suggest that the drone ships

of Project 6.4 be instrumented to augnent this measurement.

Closeein Ground Acceleration - SANDIA
Covered above in connection with 1.2a.



Gamma Film Dosage Measurements = ESL
This ie planned for all shots, including the one at Eniwetok,

with 200 to 500 badges out per shot.

No shore construction is requested

(the impression is that ESL will provide the stakes and pound them in

themselves); but they do have a requirement for an accurate survey, film
storage, and space for a motorised van (a mobile laboratory, one of the

Signal Corps labs similar to what they had on the Rendova).

They want

this at Bikini for the Bikini shots and at Eniwetok for the last one.

Ogle would worry about taking off a trailer to a ship for each

shot and then bringing it back

if there is much contamination (and he

thinke there will be), particularly if this is a film trailer.


stated that the RadSafe people could handle the processing, end that so

far as film badge processing is concerned there is no reason for anyone
else to request these facilities. (Projects 2.3 and 2.6 have also requested

trailers for this purpose.)

It is hoped that these requirements can be

Kingsley thought that what ESL means by an “accurate survey"

is the accurate location of structures nearby, sothey can pace off
and know where their film badges are. These badges will be
scattered all
over the land areas to measure total gamma dosage, presum
ably including
er fall-out falls onthem. Information on just how
and where ESL
will want to put these should come in this


Gamna Dose Rate vs Time w BSL

Planned for all Bikini shots.

2pfointillation counters (total for & e This project will involve 12 to
shots) placed in 65-gallon drune
rae eron

orete caps, 2-1/2"


Ip pipe for the probe, conorete
bases needed

Timing signals ere also required

ocations is not yet available.

Information on desi


Select target paragraph3