be a station there for other photographic purposes ($3 miles from the

deep water shot) and there will be timing lines; however, it is probably

too close for this purpose and a 75=ft tower wuld not withstand the
pressures, ~ 6 psi, expected there. After further discussion, it was
agreed that an additional 75-ft tower, to be paid for by the DOD, will be
erected on Chieerete, and the tower planned for Bninman will be put
instead on Enjirikku. Scripps would like to have the photography done
by radio or otherwise remotely controlled photogrametric (aerial) cameras,
cyoling every 1 = 5 sec, over 20 = 40 minutes. Ogle thought EG&G could

do this, they have used such cameras in the past. He suggested the photo=
graphic requirements be submitted in terms of space and time resolution,

how often pictures should be taken, and for what length of time the
cameras should rm. Again, he would appreciate such requirements going
through Felt.
These cameras would look at lights placed on Thaler's buoys,

and observe the motion of other objects such as pieces of paper, carpenter's
scraps, etc. ("flotsam and jetsam"), perhaps other light-tethered buoys.
They will want these about 4 miles offshore. Scripps will take care of

putting the markers out.

In addition tc the photographic work, Scripps would like to
repeat for the Zombie shot the same thing they did for Mike, putting
distant recorders at Kwajalein, Wake, etc. They are thinking of from
8 to 15 pressure andwater level recorders, to be placed on Kwajalein,
Eniwetok, Guam, Wake, Eninman, Chieerete, and Bikini. These will be selfcontained units but have a cable from transducer to recorder, must be
anchored somehow, and require a recording station on shore.

This latter

is possibly about a S-ft cube, a small, waterproof box containing a
recorder and power supply. (Scripps are considering even a simpler unit

then this, with a box the size of two cigar boxes).

Ogle suggested that

if it is that small it would be simpler for Scripps to furnish their own
steel-welded boxes, rather than go through the rigmarole with H&N. The
boxes can probably be fastened with anchor bolts into the coral rock.
Revelle stated he thought Scripps wau prepared to put 6 - 10
people out there at the time of the shots; this would include Bikini
and surrounding islands.

He estimated costs as follows:







One requirement isthat Scripps have a small boat essentially under their

control for the whole period (extent of this period is not certain, perhaps


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Select target paragraph3