Walsh added that simultaneously to the mooring of the cans is a

ball crusher effort going on which requires its own little logistic
support, probably one M boat. The gauges will be coated with plastic
to make them waterproof. They were thinking of having a room aboard a
ship but since they now plan to live in an Seman tent.on Sninman, the
ball crusher people could work there too. Ogle mentioned the point that,
if fall-out from the Zombie and Runt Shots is bad, there is a remote
possibility we might fire Morgenstern before Alarm Clock, indicating it
would be better for this project toassemble their gauges on Parry and

not depend on Eninman. However, transportation of ball crusher gauges is
a delicate problem and there are thousands of them. In that case, working
aboard ship seems the only answer, so they will need a room~ 6 x 10
aboard ship.

Recovery problems: Ogle thought they would be able to get in and
recever their cans in a day or so after the first shot. Their real
worry is the instrumentation in the lagoon, since they must get the ball

crusher gauges out befere the fourth shot goes.

The lagoon will have to

be cooled down to a reasonable amount before the bomb is taken in, so

this may be all right. It is plenned to recover the cans with a net
tender, the ball crusher gauges with an M boate

Acoustic Pressure Signals in Water (SOFAR) -


Completely offesite studies.

Water Wave Studies = ONR

ONR has beenasked to undertake this work, have agreed, and
hope to get Scripps Institute to do it for them. The object is to get
as much information as possible on wave velocity and amplitude, both in
deep sea and on the beach.

Revelle and Isaacs outlined Scripps’ thinking to date on how
these measurements might be performed. One way which is promising,
judging from the measurements they made at Crossroads where there were
quite large waves, isthe photographic method. This would involve
essentially automatic-cycling aerial cameras on towers at sufficient

height so they cansee across the lagoon if possible or at least a good
way into the lagoon.
The phototower locations, as described inthe discussion of

Project 1.1, above, were examined with regard to the performance of this

measurement. It was agreed that all barge shots except the first one can
be adequately covered by existing towers. Scripps would want to have
cameras in those at Bikini, Bnyu, and Eninman. The Zombie shot, however,
presents difficulties, since it is desired to get two lines on each
object with a reasonable angle. Aariikan was discussed, since there will

Select target paragraph3