The ball crusher gauges go underwater.

They are planning 64

gauges per station in piles of four, every 10 ft to the bottans there

will be 1) ball crusher stations along the line, which makes something

of the order of 700 ball crusher gauges in the lagoon.

In addition to the instrumentation mentioned above, there will be

an NOL fourechannel station positioned so that gauges are at 125 and 75
ft depths ofwater. The Navy is interested in pressures on a sloped

It is thought that free information can be obtained from the fourth
shot by leaving the cans in after the third. One of the things they will
get for certain, assuming everything is working properly, is the tele~

metered infermation.

If there is sufficient time interval between shots

they may be able to go in and spot three or four cans, lift them out,
change the tapes, and put them back. They will do this if they can and
with as many cans as they can, depending on the next shot time.

They are planning to have all the equipment assembled at NRL by

1 July and then take it out, can by can, to their underwater testing and
explosion site in Chesapeake Bay and test them with shaped charges,
scaling up the results. From 1 October to 1 November they plan to have
a complete checkout of everything, then button up and send it oversease

Paul Walsh will be head of this project in the Forward Area.

Thaler next discussed their logistic problems, which are considerable.

Estimated number of people iss
will be broken up as follows:



NRL = 10, NOL = 20, DIMB - 4,

The groups

they hope to have working space on Parry, an open

shed with a roof on it, will work on roughly 20 buoys, lifting them
around with a fork lift and crane. They have also requested dehumidi fied

laboratory space and a little office space.


they have asked for 40,000 ft of open storage area

on Eninman, and will have the net layer standing by, will also need in
M boat, orane and fork lift at Eninman. It is hoped to have
the moors in
by 1 February, andthen they plan to immediately begin putting
out the
cane, so a few of them will be in the ocean two weekse

3) Telemeterings the third group will be working
on installation
of equipment in the relay station. About three
people are involved.

One of the big problems, aside fron moor
ing the cans, is transporting

everything from Parry to Bikini. This should be done about
the first week
in February, they will perhaps use an LST and a tug.

Select target paragraph3