HORS 4 KR Y UNITED STATES V Wi ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION Im REPLY ro HY. WASHINGTON 25, D.C. £ To wo / ron wo. wt L- Dear Ernest: I want to congratulate you and all concerned with the Whitney project on the occasion of the completion of your first weavon test operation, Things seem to be rolling along up to expectations, and al) aupurs well tor the future, I hope to come out your way soon and will relay my feelings on the spot, Sincerely yours, ae K. E. Fields Brigadier General, USA Director of Military Application Dr. E. 0. Lawrence, Director Radiation Laboratory University of California Berkeley , California sOUQUME] Baur 3] Anwar] yonurg oy) Aayaysog - ermozie> Jo Auszaatuc) April 23, 1953