An additional literature search turned up the following additional information:
"Hiring of civilians was especially complicated also. Special contracts and
payroll procedures had to be imposed almost overnight. Some men were
arbitrarily placed on the Los Alamos payroll. . . ."
Shurcloff, Bombsat Bikini, The Official Report of Operations Crossroads,p. 32

And an additional lab specific note:
" Andfinally, the Radiation Laboratory at Berkeley had participated
in diagnostic measurements of the George Greenhouse shotso that
a group ofits young, post doctoral physicists had become familiar
with the details of thermonuclear weapon design and were keen on
participating in a second weaponslaboratory....There were 40 scientists in this Berkeley group who had worked on the George Greenhouse
Libby, The Uranium People, p. 301

According to this book those present at Greenhouse included Ernest Lawrence.
Ofthe ten Pacific Proving Grounds Operations,a significant number Radiation Lab (Lawrence
Berkeley Lab) personnel have been identified as contributing to at least four during my cursory

search: Crossroads, Greenhouse, Redwing, and Dominic I. In addition to those noted above, a

review ofthelists of publications suggest that participants also include E. O. Lawrence and Duane
Sewell (Sewell was also at Dominic and Wigwam) at Redwing. Cornelius Tobias at Castle. Wade
Patterson at Hardtack I.

If this search is to go further, I would suggest a review of any personnel lists that DOE could
provide and the viewing of the records from the Dennis Copelandlist, most of which are readily
available on microfilm (and many of which coincide with the current search for plutonium
injections.) In addition it would be helpful to know more about what DOEis looking for. Are
they interested in records related to equipment developmentor other matters beyond the presence of
personnel attests?

Select target paragraph3