A » i = Seams. 3 B sitar Sai? 5 a EO ~ Mr, Staate ee, pe’ SP » KR, Hired: Menbership and Teras of Reference of UN Scientifia Cammittee on Radiation 407733 Meubarahin 1. The UN Setentific Comittee on Radiation sonsista of 15 countries! Argentina Opechoslovakia Mexico Belgiva Trance U.K. Reastl India U.8.5.R. Australia Canada Tarna of Referanos Egypt Japan "h Sweden oS rt vy ViSeAs Ww Kw S eS 2. The task of this Camittee ia to assemble in useful form the following radiolegical information received frau States Members of the ok b. Nt SO United Nations ar of the Specialined Agencies: ae ye are ‘ on observed levels of fonising rediation and redic- * et vity in the environment. ew Reports om aclentific observations ani experiments.: relevant to the effects of fonising rediation upon man end his en- \ vircomment already undervay or later undertaken by national onescientifie bodies or by authorities of national governBa 3. Im addition, the Camittee is euthorised to recomend uniforn atanderds with respect tc procedures for sample collection end instrumente~ tion, and reciation oonnting procedure to be used in analyses of samples; to compile and assemble in an integrated manner the various raparte, referred to above, on cbserved radiclogical levels; to review and ocllate national reporta, evalusting individuel reports to determine their usofulness for the purpose the purposes of the Committee. de The Comittee will make yeerly progress reparte if appropriate and develop by July 1, 1958, or earlier, if the assexbled facts warrant, a summary of the reports reviewed on radiation levels and radiation effeata on nan and hie environment together with the evaluations provided far above; and trananit from tine to time as it deems appropriate the documents referred tc above to the Secretary Seneral far publication and dissemination to States Members of the United Nations ar Members of the Specialised Agencies. OCB: SPS sRiirach imes NA 0 BEST COPY AVAILABLE ncrosironv LAerhptcsa COLLECTION oxno. 2 -O ; tiles Sonea. rover OCB 00,7 (tame L£ (x4) C1) Gee. 1985 ~Phey ~) 195C