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Smith, Allan E. and William E. Moore. 1972. Report of the Radiological
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Welander, A. D. 1967. Distribution of radionuclides in the environment
of Eniwetok and Bikini Atolls, August 1964, p. 346-354. In D. J. Nelson
and F. C. Evans (ed.) Symposium on radioecology. (Proc.) U.S. Atomic
Energy Commission Report CONF-670503
Welander, Arthur D., Kelshaw Bonham, Ralph F. Palumbo, Stanley P. Gessel,

Frank G. Lowman, William B. Jackson, Raul McClin, Gary B. Lewis. 1967.
Bikini-Eniwetok studies, 1964: Part II. Radiobiological studies. U.S.
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