Those on Attached List


Japtan people are leaving Enewetak October 1 for Ujelang.


hundred fifty people will rotate in fifty man visits to Japtan
in 6 month cycles until cleanup is completed (Ray).

OES will have a group periodically review NV support of Enewetak

cleanup and particularly certification of cleanup (Deal).

ERDA will get Coast Guard Bldg. at Enewetak for a lab facility.
25K will be needed for modifications to make a quick move from

the old lab facility (Ray).

The question of information and education for various Marshall
Islands groups was again discussed. Trimble, Battelle, Seattle,
has proposed that baseline information be obtained on where these
people are in their understanding of what ERDA is doing.

munications across cultural lines are extremely difficult.
joint info-education program with DOI is needed.

Trimble letter will be sent to Weyzen and Ray.



A copy of the

Conard has found 11 to 12 thyroids that should be sent back to
Hawaii for operations (not among the exposed people but once
found something must be done). The possibility of having the
Operations done on Kwajalein will be investigated by BER.
The next committee meeting will be scheduled in mid-November.
Any corrections to these notes may be made at that time.

TonyFM boas
Tomny F. McCraw
Acting Secretary


J. Liverman
H. Hollister

Select target paragraph3