accepted responsibility on behalf of NV "to convey to appropriate

national level authorities the need for central U. S. Government

coordination of all future actions pertaining to Eniwetok."


Dr. Biles led off the discussion with a succinct though

comprehensive history of Eniwetok Atoll (see attachment). He
pointed out that an AEC survey team recently visited the Atoll

and found rather severe radiological conditions on Runit Island

(Yvonne), due to devices exploded between 1951 and 1958, and to

later earth moving operations.
The survey team found a plutonium
bearing sand layer, the apparent existence of plutonium fragments
and grains on the island surface and widespread contaminated scrap
metal debris.
A review of the situation by AEC and SAMTEC resulted
in an immediate decision to cease all operations on Runit and to

quarantine the island.

Prior to the decision, the Defense Nuclear

Agency (DNA) had been making preparations for a series of high
explosive Pacific Cratering experiments (PACE). DNA subsequently
advised AEC that the PACE work on Runit was temporarily discontinued

and that the island was quarantined.
Dr. Biles advised that AEC
would participate with DNA in a limited radiological survey intended
to support resumption of preparations for the PACE experiments.

addition, DOS will make a more comprehensive survey in the fall to
clarify the radiological situation throughout the atoll.

There followed considerable discussion of the political ramifications
and radiological safety considerations.
Reference was made by DMA
to certain questions (Enclosure 2) which had been asked on behalf of

the Micronesian Congress and to certain legal questions (Enclosure 3)

raised by NV and forwarded to OGC.
The point was also made by DMA
that in contacts with NV personnel, there appeared to be no intent
on the part of NV to take an unwarranted lead in this matter.
As a result of the discussion, it was concluded that:

NV deserved an answer to its request for guidance.


This guidance would have to be predicted on determination of


national policy and AEC policy within that framework.





Select target paragraph3