410507 sy re 1S pebenat foadem of Sciences Ressego ent, \.. . 1ONAL > ACADEMY OF SCIENCES ‘giuvl CONSTITUTION AVENUE WASHINGTON 25, D. C. DAS: =a Comins.onBEARCan, us wher Orsans “Deearimert of stateassy Aad « Line ar THE pacside Sou Ke J av LAR \ \ oe ( ow Ai ot Ge , Gi WlLeu NAW lov yee : “liegt J ae Wenn «eed. \ Ow 8/23/56 Dr. Bronk in Analysis of BEAR reports, prepared the State Department. I have not read it, but Charles! comments are attached. gone to all U. S. enbassiss abroad. Xk SDC epee see TE COLLECTIONS eto fofPe tat "OF SCIENCES \ eed OT Ut «& ovate Dub slbyG@) MRL y b oe a bn oo J hes TTA ConGMS; Tr ye Cee add Tun & ee uTeA ; . TMi clu cubeSiel GS : AUG 2 1 1956 It has