INTRODUCTION, RICHLAND OPERATIONS OFFICE RECORDS PRODUCED BY OPERATIONS OFFICE ORGANIZATIONS INACTIVE RECORDS.SELECTED GENERAL PLECTRIC MATERIALS by Roger M. Anders Oiice ofHuman Radiation Experiments Deputy Assistent Secretary for Planning and Adnunisiration Assistam Secretary for Boviroomernt, Safery and Health March 1996 The Department of Energy and Ite eritege: The Department of Energy (DOE) is one of the most diverse agencies inthe Federal government. It was created in 177 from a score of organizational entiies from 2 dozen departments and agencies, DOR encourages the development of energy technologies in several areas--sclar, geothermal, fossil fuel, and nuclear. it develops technologies aimed at promoting conservation of energy resources. TXOE is one ofthe largest Federal agency supporters ofbasic scientific research and manages a research coraplex that inchudes seme of the nation’s premier isborstories, DOE helos formulate national policies for energy use and development. Perhaps surprisingly to many, DOE alse rans the nuclear weapons research, development, and oroduction complex as well as associated dismantlement and clean up activities, DOE's nuclear heritage comes from the World War 1] Manhattan Project which built the atomic bomb. The threads of DOE's involvement with mucieer issues and programs run through the igliowing agencies: the Manhettan Engineer District (1942-19473, the Atomic Energy Comunisgion (1947-1975), and the Energy Research and Development Adminstration (1975iv?) DOE not onky took over inetions, cultures, and traditions from these agencies, it also mheriied records fram them. Of these agencies, the longest lived and most controversial was the Atomic Energy Commission (ARO) The AEC also created a greater volume of records than any other DOE predecessar agency and, net surprisingly, DOE sull has custody ofa substantial yohume of AEC records.