August 25, 1972

Dr. Roger E. Batzel, Director
Lawrence Livermore Laboratory

University of California

Box 808

Livermore, California


Dear Dr. Batzel:

As you undoubtedly know, interest in the rehabilitation of
Eniwetok Atoll has gained considerable momentum since April of

this year when the United States publicly promised its return
to the Trust Territory by the end of calendar 1973. Recently

the General Manager assigned overall coordinating responsibility
for AEC actions at Eniwetok to the Assistant General Manager

for Military Application.

In turn, the AGMA has indicated

that he intends that the Nevada Operations Office take full
responsibility for all AEC field operations associated with the

rehabilitation. Even more recently, we have an indication from
the Office of the AGMA that adequate funding will shortly be
made available to support a comprehensive radiological survey
this fall.

Our very preliminary surveys have shown that we face a most dif+

ficult radiological situation which will require the beat efforts
of representatives of a number of scientific disciplines, It
seems clear also that we may expect this activity to come under
close scrutiny by the United States scientific commnity and
perhaps even by an international commission of some sort. For

these reasons, I feel that it is essential that we build our plang

upon a scientifically valid rationale and execute them under sound

scientific leadership.

I would be most appreciative if the Lawrence

Radiation Laboratory would provide a technical director for the
Eniwetok effort. His exact relationships I think would best be

worked out between the individual you nominate and my Assistant
Manager for Operations, Roger Ray, under whose cognizance this

effort will be conducted. Should you wish to clarify any other
detafls of this request, please telephone me.
Very truly yours,

Mahlon EF. Gates

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