





Report on Trip to Forward Area

clear that he was the author of only the first two chapters of the report; that

he desired to go on record as such, ani as well, to state what the several

serious editing errors were that appeared in the finished report. Dr. Palmer
wrote a memo to Dr. Graves on this matter. Dr. Graves is to follow up on this
go as to make it a matter of official record.
a. Weatherwise, the time spent with the people at Detachment 1, AFC2C
was the mst fruitful. Detailed and comprehensive discussions were had with Dr.
Palmer, Col Dunean and other menbers of the detachment. The complete course of
indoctrination of the Weather Central personnel was agreed upon, and it is my
fecling that it is an extremely well thought out and comprehensive course. It
was concluded by all concerned that due to the fact that all shots were during
darimess, prior to day break, it would be unnecessary to perform an upwind

special weather reconnaissance flight just prior to each detonation.

It was

felt that better utilization could be gained by performirg the normal routine

weather reconnaissance missions of two flights per day throughout the entire

period of operations; at least this procedure will be used at first.

This was

the particular recommendation of Dr. Palmer since he felt that the value to be

gained from a reconnaissance mission during the hours of darkness was questionable and dubious.

ee hr. Frank A, Metcalf, High Comaissioner, Trust Territories Islands
of the :acifie was visited concerning establishment of our outlying weather
stations on islands under his control; he gave us complete and unstintod assist—
ance and cooperation.

He was so very cooperative that upon reachincs the outlying

islinds, it was found that there were feu problems remainin” to be solved, at
least coordination-wise,

f. Courtesy visits were paid to Staff Aerolorist, CI:.Crac, CIC, Fleet
weather Central at Pearl Harbor and hr, Gordon D. Carturight, 01C of Honolulu
eeather bureau. hr. Cartwright is in charge of the presently established
»@ather curecau Station at Ponape.

He could foresee no problems ir: azvain estab=

lishin= our stations for CASTLE, He did sugcest that i visit Dr. Reichelderfer,
Chicf, U. S. \eather Bureau here in ..ashington, concerning delineation of
responsibilities and disposition of observations during our tenure at ronape.


The 57th Strat Recon Squadron had no major problems to discuss.

Reconnaissance tracks to be used during the operation were discussed and decided
upon by all concerned. These tracks will be considerably simplified in com
parison to those used in previous tests,


All personnel at the Naval Station, Kwajalein were most cooperative

and helpful. Admiral Clarke and Capt Sooy practically placed all the facilities
of their station at our disposal, They furnished transportation to all the outlying islands in a most commendable manner.

Select target paragraph3