. oa sewer! 2. The agressiveness of the contractor's “preventive measures" safety program (e.g., posters, unannounced safety inspections, enforcement of protective clothing or protective devices requirements, 3. accident prevention or other training programs) . Testing of the attitude of H&N/PTD employee towards safety in particular, in the work place as to whether they believe their-employur is safety conscious, measures, dedicated to proper safety 4. keview of the overall cufety record for the period, 5. Ade ruacy of training livel of contractor safety personnel. Are they wept cup to date on “state of the art" attendance af a; propriate training courves? sarety beytw he 6. Adequacy of administrative safety reporting. be fe Fire Protection In addition to all of the items enumerated under Safety, included under Fire Protection are: Cah ena also 1. Respensivenss to emergencies 2. Quality and condition of fire prevention and fire fighting equipment and facilities “petal : : : . '. : eae 3. Adequacy of crash rescue procedures 4. Adequacy of fire prevention inspections 5. Proper utilization of equipment and supplies | k O. Adequacy of administration 7. General operation or the fire static I : t BEST COPY AVAILABLE