AbL 80 |







United States Pacific Fleet

e/o Fleet Post Office

8an Francisco, California

26 June 1953

My dear Dr, Bugher:
Thank you for your letter of 15 May 1953, and
copies of Report NYO-4522 containing the resulta of
of the Health and Safety Laboratory of the New York
Office on measuring the fallout from IVY in various
the world.

the ‘two
the work
parts of

The rapid acquisition of evaluated data and


wide coverage of the Pacific Area made possible by the new
aerial survey instruments certainiy provided the type of
documentation essential for adequate safety measures incicent

to the potential hazards introduced by the first thermonuclear


From IVY experience in regard to fallout distribution in

Pacific Area,

it appears that the extensive aertal gurvey

conducted during IVY could be greatly reduced during CASTLE.
Specifically, I nave in mind aerial survey of only those Areas
in the predicted trajectory of significant radioactive clouds

and the capability for guch survey

in other areas similar to

the IVY plan. Naturally tnose atolls in the Marshall Isiands
and possibly the Fastern Carolines that lie within a potentially
hazardous radius from the test site will require individual
surveillance by the aerial technique.
Of course, such tentative

thinking presumes that the Atomic Energy Commission wili have
available sufficient ground recording methods such as "fly paper”
trays or air maplers for efficient coverage in regions of lesser
It also assumes that laboratory analysis in lieu of
immediate evaluation of fallout data will suffice for areas exposed to insignificant hazard.
Por planning discussions, I suggest meeting at my Head-

quarters any convenlent date after

15 July 1953.

Although I

will have departed for my new assignment by that time, I feel
it would be best to arrange future planning details with my
successor since any matters related to CASTLE wiil fall within
his purview,

Thie mtertal


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