‘ Greenhouse to Stanley - 3 August 3, 1979 Assistance in selection of Ujelang personnel monitoring subjects...Our goal, as previously mentioned, is to count 13 subjects in each category. Ideally, we would like to arrange for subjects as family groups among the dxri-Enewetak and dri-Enjebi. The "perfect family" consists of parents, a male and female adolescent, and a male and female child. We expect that this will rarely be the case in fact, but it is a guideline to strive for if possible. Husband and wife pairs would also be the best choices for the subjects who have participated in the Japtan early return program. Notification of the Utirik and Rongelap adult subjects who are listed on the attached tables...These are subjects who have participated in previous BNL WBC visits, and who provide a statistically significant sample of the populations for internal dose assessment purposes. The people at each atoll should be notified that we would like to count about 13 male and 13 female children between the ages of 5 and 15 along with the specified adults. We would prefer that these additional subjects be immediate family members of the adults listed on the attached tables. Arrangement for an accompanying interpreter...Unfortunately, Evie Craighead will not be able to join us on this field trip because of recent school commitments. In many ways, she is a model personality for this job because of her fluency in Marshallese, her rapport with the people, and her experience with and understanding of our program. An experienced former Peace Corps volunteer (PCV) would probably make the best candidate since we would brief such a person on the details of our procedures fairly easily. Ralph Woltz, the Kili councilman currently residing in Majuro, has been suggested as a possible choice; but there are some real advantages to having a female in this position. If no former PCV's can be located, we should try to obtain a bi-lingual Marshallese assistant. I would suggest Lemeo (Tarines' wife from Rongelap who, as of May '79 was in teacher training in Majuro) or Reynold DeBrum as possible candidates. Pursuit of alternate resources tc the BNL Medical trailer for a temporary (or permanent) WBC facility...One of the factors controlling the turnaround time between Voyage Nos. 7 and 8 is the need to remove the WBC shadow shield from the Medical exam trailer. We had discussed at the LUPG meeting the possible use of the mess trailer (formerly used on the MV Caroline Island charter) as a substitute. The large WBC subject load at Ujelang may require that we stay there an additional day, so the use of facilities not needed by BNL Medical on their September trip would be highly desirable. Salvage of the contents of the old WBC trailer...We have a large inventory of disposable clothing, towels and other supplies in the old trailer which should be transferred to its substitute. The work benches should also be salvaged if possible. For your information, our control air sampling station at Kwajalein was damaged in the January storm. We expect to make the necessary repairs prior to departure on Voyage No. 7. Also, arrangements for MAC flights and accomodations for our personnel are being made with Jimmy Foard.