Zap bD i I RONALLABORATORY A. a7 2S ASSOCIATELSUNAYERSITIES, INC. ci ull Nae vy ) stant Ad sin, Assi a Safety & Environmental Protection Division ERC! =e, EN GUACER eRe bee a oe eae ° A Pee “ so‘ age ew York 11973 vY\_& rng pA207 FF, J 1Or , ee bee : Aa Soper OF, 3, 1979 pac’ LIAISON august erp COPY TO! nA AQ2OG9 vanes to +— cae epee ETT REPL ld epee picot mmeered a —" USDOE/PASO ~ - wb ~ et ” ! | —_ 94690 | i a P. ©. Box 29939 Honolulu, HI autos -f- oP. Le — a Dear Bill: This letter delineates our objectives and our requests for PASO assistance with respect to the R. V. Liktaniir Voyage No. 7. This letter also supercedes that dated July 2 from Bob Miltenberger to Harry Brown. The objectives of this field trip are as follows: Personnel monitoring (whole body counting and urine bioassay) at Rongelap and Utirik as part of a regular surveillance program for these atolls. Whole body counting (WBC) at Rongelap and Utirik was Jast done in April 1977, and these atolis are again due for a personnel monitoring visit based on an established schedule of once every 2 to 3 years. During our stay at Rongelap, a rebuilt wind-powered electrical generator will be installed to operate our continuous air sampling equipment. An additional 10 foot tower section will be added to the wind-powered generator at Utirik in an attempt to remove it from a turbulence zone which reduces its operating efficiency. We also expect to continue our environmental sampling and diet assessment programs at both atolls. Personnel monitoring at Ujelang for the purpose of establishing baseline body burdens of t°/cs, 74¥sr/7¥y, and other radionuclides. We have established 14 categories of personnel monitoring subjects based on parameters which we feel are relevant to internal dose assessments for the returning Enewetakese. The categories are presented in the following table: REPOSITORY COLLECTION BOX No. . SUS hs g9 FOLDER DOE /PASO —-_08 EL,vv LA 36 WL FOCLOER # oh SAV /WIPoLE Bod Cov '/ng FY197g