
daton Desrus

Secretary of Poreign Affaire
Goverament of tha Harelhell Ielseds

Majera, Marshall Tslerds


Dear Mr, DBeSrust:

I regret that our schedules thie peat waek did not nexrmit a meetiag to

discuss the watter of the propesed medical suryay of tha people of

Liktep Atoll, which you raised at tha Hay 16, 1979, meeting with De-~

rartwent of energy officials, officials of this Department, and represcntatives of other agencics.

I do vant yeu to knew that we have been conferriag with the Nepurtinent
of Energy on this matter. oth cf our Dapertwents have been waiting,

to ®eaa extent, for the return of Dr. Ragh Pratt frem the Harehalis
sinse wa believe that he is in the best position to advise oa tha
eomponition of a medical team ami on other aspectea of what should be
included in an examiuation.
It is my understanding that he is returnicg

to New York this weekend and we will be conferring with bim early

agent woek.

dt this point, I cannot give you « pracise aimmwer an to tiwing.
niy bs cangidarable advantage in tytag fa such a eurvey with the sext

quarterly visit ef the Broskhaven team which would be fa faptemnbar.

Ll vealise thet you have fodicated that the Marshall Ielends Covermnent

could asaisk with logigtic support, but a local field trip ehip atght

not heve the Leboratory or other wedical equipmeat that che Deportment

cf Energy ship might have availabic.

it will take time aleo ta sasembla a tean since ita members must plan

well in advance of any visit. It would be expected thet sone medical
tean members would ceae frou private hesptitale and son-goverament institutieus. IL would assume that this type of makeup ef a medical teau vould
be the kind you would desire.
Please be agsured that, while I cannot give you a definite renly today
a8 to exact timing er ce the mskeup of guy wedical team, 7 can adsure
you that for our part, we will push forwaxd full steam abead,
It is
anticipated that the Department of Energy will do likewlae, and ve will
be in constant contact with that erganization.

Se Si


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