20 and 24 March,

1959, J-I and J-3 Reports:

These reports document

requirements for
the fact that estimates of LASL office space and support

possible overseas tests for the Hawalian area are being made.


‘that the LASL director has decided that for the present time


that the
Task Group 7.1 Is in the best Interests of the Laboratory and





J-3 notes



lab will continue to support the headquarters of Task Group 7.
Vartous meetings and visits concerning the overséas test capabilities
and planning were held,

Including a visit by personnel from JTF-7 to

J-3 to discuss the current planning for future DOD effects tests and

B to obtain a better concept of the hot dry run problems as documented
In J-3-W~-38 dated 9 March 1959,

24 March 1959, J-l! Report:




Paul Guthals reports here on the

status and activities in the cloud sampling area.


Conferences have

been held with Air Force representatives of the 4950th Test Group, ,
the LRL chomistry group, and the LASL radchem group to reexamine the

requirements for alrcraft samplers in the foreseeable future as well
as the period affer 1960.

Briefly the results are thal a total of 16



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